Why do you think July 4th is so heavily promoted? Why do you think we now shoot fireworks on Memorial Day, Labor Day and New Years too? Getting us to help seal our own fate is part of the plan...
The military secretly spraying sh*t in the sky from planes is nothing new. Here’s a two-minute video from WWII:
(53 second video)
They have also been dropping things on us our entire lives; fibers, lice, ticks, goo, harmful bacteria: (2 minute video)
So it should be of no surprise that was has been done is being done because it never stopped being done. Anyone who claims they’re not geoengineering because “they would tell us first” or “they would need permission from Congress” - dude, they never asked to do any of the prior 75+ YEARS worth of spraying experiments, why would they start now? Do you think it’s fluke that military documents are Classified for at least 30+ years when the average lifespan is under 80? Nobody can ever be held accountable because by the time it comes to light, they’re dead. With that being said…
GeoEngineering is defined as “deliberate, large-scale manipulations of the Earth’s environment designed to offset some of the harmful consequences of GHG-induced climate change”
In simple terms: spraying toxins into the sky to block the sun to save the planet.
(22 second video)
The correct terminology for these programs includes Solar Radiation Management (SRM), Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI), Solar Geoengineering and a list of others. “Chemtrails” is a slang term that was not invented by conspiracy theorists and was actually created by the United States Air Force. Here’s their 1990s US Air Force Academy Booklet Called “Chemtrails”.
And one of the reasons we know the military is who is currently spraying is because the unmarked spray planes are not on radar while emitting massive plumes while flying illegally close and flying illegal flight patterns. If you or I did this we would be taken out of the sky in moments for “National Security” reasons. If a normal pilot did this his license would be pulled and he may face criminal charges. (27 second video)
I’m oddly crabby today (more on that in a moment) so we aren’t going to dive into geoengineering much in this piece, but if you want to learn more about the programs, I have written a wealth of content on this topic including:
1992 Chemtrails Document: Should we Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust?
1985: NASAs Chemtrail Releases (Barium, Strontium, Aluminum)
Chemtrails: TREES DYING IN MASS - Meet Your New Mechanical Trees
Chemtrails: Drought & Storms will Make People BEG US for GeoEngineering to Save Them (2009)
Chemtrails, The CIA an Insurance Company and the Memo They Want Scrubbed
Cloud Seeding is TOXIC AF & Blocks the Sun: the Truth About the Chemicals Being Sprayed in OUR AIR
Whooping Cough Chemtrails: The Church of Scientology Goes to War Against the CIA
Chemtrails Government Document - “Target: Neighborhoods, 30 Minutes a Day”
Congress Chemtrails Testimony: When We Start Spraying, No More Blue Skies, Only White
Chemtrails Video: Military Whistleblower Kristen Meghan Testimony
Chemtrails: Rip Out Forests and Spray Chemicals- Council on Foreign Relations Meeting
Chemtrails: Is the Government Secretly Spraying SOAP to Increase Car Accidents?
Chemtrails: You Can HIRE NASA to Release Your HAZARDOUS PAYLOAD into the SKY
Chemtrails Video: California Meeting #2 (first half)
Chemtrails Video: California Meeting #2 (second half)
Due to the spraying, everything is now rapidly dying from toxicity: (1:28 video)
Aluminum nanoparticles are killing trees like never before. Decades ago Monsanto patented aluminum-resistant seeds. Is that just a fluke too? (2:14 video)
Anyone who looks around can see the mass extinction: (2 minute video)
Which brings us to:
The most common ingredients, which are coming down in our rain and snow samples, include:
Aluminum and Trimethyl Aluminum (TMA)
Keep in mind, when water tests are ran they typically are not testing for every single ingredient, so a test not showing Graphene does not necessarily mean it did not contain Graphene.
Polymer Fibers
Sulfur / Sulfuric Acid / Sulfur Dioxide
Ethylene dibromide
Nano-aluminum coated fiberglass
Unidentified bacteria
Yellow fungi mycotoxins
Bacilli and molds
A while back I made a simple color chart. The colors will vary based on the method of release.
Now let’s discuss fireworks:
The identical ingredients used in GeoEngineering are used in fireworks:
Firework Colors Explained:
Red: Strontium (Sr) and Calcium (Ca)
Orange: Strontium (Sr) and Calcium (Ca)
Yellow: Sodium (Na) as well as Aluminum (Al) and magnesium (Mg) can produce yellow and white sparks.
Green: Barium (Ba)
Blue: Copper (Cu) compounds produce blue colors in fireworks. Copper chloride (CuCl2) is a common blue pigment used in fireworks.
Purple: A combination of strontium (Sr) and copper (Cu) can produce a lavender or purple color.
Silver/White: Aluminum (Al), magnesium (Mg), and titanium (Ti) are used to produce silver and white sparks in fireworks.
Gold: Sodium (Na) creates a super bright gold or yellow color in fireworks
Here’s why I'm crabby: it's currently 11:30pm on July 3rd, 2024 and my neighborhood sounds like a shooting range from all of the fireworks. I don't mind the gun range but the firework situation is so depressing because we have so few bees left in Detroit. On a good day I count a maximum of five at one time. On a slow day I will see zero-to-only one. Meanwhile my plants are loaded with pollen. In prior years, our lavender and field flowers were bee magnets; you'd see hundreds of bumbles, masons, sweat bees even wasps and butterlies, all mingling as they zip from flower to flower. Now it’s so bad I have been forced to hand-pollinate my produce using a little paint brush. To make matters worse, while people are shooting off fireworks we are being blasted with frequency: (25 second video)
It looks like they’re pushing the “clouds” to the West, which is strange because they usually push them to the East so when the sun rises they have a barracade in place to block it (these pics are all from today, July 3rd):
Then they use frequency to move the barracade as the sun moves:
If needed they spray a bit:
Then use frequency to expand it:
Point being, everyone is shooting fireworks, completely oblivious to the ecosystem collapase in their own back yard and the dangerous levels of frequency being blasted over their heads. And I’m not sure why they’re pushing those “clouds” West (toward Ohio) right now. They must have something planned for July 4th. Let’s all pay attention to the sky tomorrow.
In closing, I made a 6 minute video:
My friends, fireworks are literally the identical ingredients to chemtrails. Every time we purchase these products we are handing money to China in exchange for their chemicals which have no oversight therefore we do not truly know what we are releasing into our atmosphere. When we explode these metals and chemicals into the sky we are assisting in our own death and helping the Agendas. They have already patented mechanical trees and robot bees. When we shoot fireworks we are killing our pollinators, our trees, our fish, poisoning our soil, polluting our land… sealing our own fate is not patriotic. Please consider finding a way to celebrate without shooting off fireworks if possible, do it for the bees, for without them, everything collapases.
Besides being angry at all the BS going on, it's difficult not to become extremely depressed over it all. They are literally destroying everything. I haven't seen many bees myself. Another thing I noticed is we used to have a lot of frogs in our yard. I would see little babies hopping around. I was afraid of stepping on them. I haven't seen any now in at least 3 years. When I first moved to Texas we would see a lot of Armadillos in our neighborhood in the early morning. I haven't seen any for quite a while. I am not sure if it's because of the spraying, but it seems odd to me. We don't get as many butterflies either. It's very disheartening😪
As far as July 4th, we really shouldn't be celebrating anyway because we lost our Independence in 1871 on February 21st.
Good morning. Thanks for confirming what I’ve always believed, to wit, that whatever is in those things it can’t be good.
Bay City has three days of fireworks. They shoot them off over the river and on a night with little wind, all that shit comes down in the river, and eventually gets washed out into Saginaw Bay. Of course, it’s three days of craziness and brings massive amounts of people, boats, and money into the area. We live on our sailboat in a marina on the Saginaw River. People have had their chairs in place for the best viewing spots since last weekend. It’s insane.
We don’t participate (we did back in the 90s when the kids were young). Instead, we just watch all the crazies until it starts to get dark. Then we put our earplugs in and go to bed early.
Have a blessed day.
From the crew on S/V Blessings.