Dr's BUSTED Creating a Fake Pandemic 💉🦠 SERIES PART 2
True Crime: The time doctors got together and plotted creating a bogus pandemic to make money off giving vaccines. SERIES PART 2
Despite Purple Death (Spanish Influenza) raging across the United States (1918-1921), during these exact same years, doctors were experiencing financially slow times because too many people were healthy. Go ahead, read it four more times, it still won’t make sense. Sure, the doctors were making some dough off the new Spanish Flu virus-vaccine that was created by the bravest man ever, Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Edward C. Rosenow. In case you forgot, this was that virus-vaccine made from bacteria which Rosie claimed was pneumonia that ended up not stopping the virus and accidentally caused mass chaos, but hey, nobody is perfect. But other than giving some sketchy virus-injections, doctors were bored AF. Back then they didn’t have cell phones so they couldn’t play Candy Crush to kill time, so all doctors could do was be baffled, sit in their chairs and spin in circles while they collectively prayed that people would get sick soon.
The lack of business made the Jackson Medical Society in Kansas doctors hate life, so they called a secretive doctors-only meeting and schemed up the unbelievable. They started by setting a goal, because, like your mother said, having a goal is important. Their goal was to pick a specific day that would be creatively named, “Vaccination Day”, and on this special day, the Jackson Medical Society doctors will be “stationed at all schools, clinics, public buildings and hospitals, to vaccinate, free of charge”. (btw, vaccines are never free, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Now that they had a goal, they needed to create steps to reach said goal. Their plan was to artificially create a Small Pox outbreak so they could get customers through their doors. The idea was to feed the media disinformation; claim they were seeing swaths of patients, all infected through person-to-person Small Pox transmission. They theorized, this should fuel enough fear for people to rush in and get another free vaccine, and that was some extra bread, some paper, a little gauc, some moolah, a Ukraine financial package, for the doctors.
Next the doctors obtained a photo of a child covered with sores (researchers from the 1970s stated that the image they used was likely of impetigo, psoriasis or congenital syphilis, not small pox). The dr’s then submitted it to the newspapers as evidence of the epidemic. Tell me this photo isn’t suspicious:
In the image above, look at the kids striped pajamas. Don’t they also appear to be covered in bumps? I guess da pox infects material too? Anyway, lets get back to the story:
As expected, the news ate it up like homemade lasagna and the fear porn began.
Imagine being the kid who had to sit next to Suicide Squad’s Killer Croc:
Small Pox was such a big deal that a team of Microbe Hunters was assembled by the government and sent out onto the streets, to locate these f*cking germs and sanitize the shit out of them. Because if there’s one thing American taxpayers wanted their money spent on, it was paying dudes to go look for invisible shit.
The doctors media horror campaign was so successful that people flooded into their clinics, eager to take that free vaccine that would protect them from the disease. The people getting jabbed didn’t know that, up until this point, there were literally 0 cases of Small Pox.
According to later records, the doctors made $500,000 from “Vaccination Day”. $500,000 in 1920 is equal to $7,851,772.48 in 2023. But this income boost for the doctors was chump change compared to what happened next…
The Vaccination Day campaign led to mass inoculations that led to people flooding the hospitals the entire winter. There were so many hospitalized individuals that clinics had reached full capacity and were forced to turn away patients. The sick people were arriving at ER with a wide variety of symptoms ranging from Small Pox (IRL Killer Croc), to influenza to pneumonia to cancer and more. It was a buffet of disease and of course, this further baffled the baffled doctors, and equally made them exceptionally wealthy. If there's one thing that didn't confuse those doctors, it was their bank accounts growing faster than an erection because the amount of money generated from the after-jab hospitalizations far outweighed the amount made from inoculations. I assume some doctors drove to work in a Ford Focus and drove home in a Beamer. Cha-Ching!
Word spread from Kansas doctors to Pennsylvania doctors, who were also bored, spinning in their chairs, and eager to begin their own fake pandemic. So, in 1924, the Philadelphia doctors held a closed-door meeting and plotted their own vaccination campaign.
When the time came, they too were highly successful. At the peak of the Pittsburgh vaccination campaign, a 22% increase in death was reported within a 90-day timeframe, all of these deaths were during the identical timeframe as the vaccinations. The increase in death was absolutely fantastic for the doctors and the media because it proved there was an epidemic killing over 20% of the cities population. See how this works?
A small group of residents became highly suspicious of the whole thing; the propaganda with 0 proof, the vaccine immediately followed by the epidemic, hospitals now overflowing with a plethora of disease and death rates soaring. The skeptical citizens named themselves The Pittsburgh Health Club and launched a citizen investigation. The more they researched, the more they learned, and the more they learned, the more they they realized that something had to be done to expose this scam, so they hired a badass lawyer who wasn’t f*cking around.
Eventually The Pittsburg Health Club, through their attorney, was able to blow the case wide open and even brought it to trial… but modern-day high school history books sure won't teach you about this. No sir, it's far too damning to the medical-pharmaceutical industry.
During the court proceedings, the doctors notes, books and records were all displayed. These logs proved that the doctors conspired to deliberately create an epidemic for nothing more than financial gain. The Pittsburgh Health Club heroes discovered that this manufactured epidemic cost Pittsburgh taxpayers over $3 million dollars. Those free vaccines aren't so free, now are they? To add insult to literal injury, $3 million dollars in the 1920s is equal to nearly $50 million in todays value. Additionally, they learned that out of that $3 million, the doctors took a direct cut of $2 million, meaning, the bulk of the tax dollars went directly into the medical practitioners bank accounts and the remaining $1 million was used to pay manufactures for those free vaccines.
In court, it was proven that the 3 million dollar figure did not include the additional monetary losses suffered by the city. Local businesses were hit with extreme financial loss due to a large percentage of the population being slaughtered, in addition to an unthinkable amounts of life-altering injuries.
While all this was going on, Team Rockefeller was paying close attention. The ‘Fellers saw a land of opportunity in this new style of medicine, and they were scheming their own vaccination campaign; a scheme so evil, so diabolical, so utterly absurd, that it would literally change history and go unquestioned for nearly 100 years.
Next Read: PART 3, Rockefellers Yellow Fever Vaccine
If you missed Part 1, read it now:
This post was my short, sweet and comedic attempt at sharing f*cked up history. If you need a wealth of solid evidence and incredible research to anonymously mail to your Uncle Joe who won’t stop getting boosters, ViroLIEgy.com is the place to go. IMO, it’s the best resource on the entire internet for obtaining hard evidence to tape to the public bathroom stall wall or flyer all the cars in the grocery store parking lot on a Sunday afternoon. Additionally, you should subscribe to the ViroLIEgy Substack because Mike Stone is a cool dude.
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Image by <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/hand-drawn-doctor-cartoon-illustration_59741297.htm#query=cartoon%20dr&position=7&from_view=search&track=ais">Freepik</a>
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The so-called Spanish Flu was a monstrous, criminal hoax like Covid-19, like they all are. All of those soldiers and subsequent civilians didn't die from any non existent flu/virus. They died horrible deaths from the vaccines they stupidly took, when they should have told the authorities to go fuck themselves and their pox riddled mothers, and to stick their poisons where the sun don't shine. As the sheeple never seem to learn, they get continually mowed down like blades of grass while the Hidden Hand evilly grins. Like with their whore wars, so much profit is made in mass murder and herd culling.
Interesting as always. May want to check out Chas. M. Higgins 1920 book "Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated: Petition to the President (Wilson) to Abolish Compulsory Vaccinations in the Army and Navy" (246pp) https://curiosity.lib.harvard.edu/contagion/catalog/36-990052598550203941
Thanks - Stay Free