Government Approves a 200 YEAR Contract to Spray the Sky + Congressional Testimony and More. You don't need a pilots license and degree in Meteorology to LOOK UP.
Visible f*ckery in the skies over Toronto ON again this morning. I have a huge archive of evidence and photos similar to yours. Great links to info... time for me to join the fight, I've been educating myself but feel confident to start now and your work assists that.
I am lead counsel for and We are researching how to get an injunction. I was not aware that the government APPROVED the Make Sunsets application - can someone please provide me with that evidence (assuming it is accurate)? If you can support us, donations are tax-deductible with Lord Advocates, and the 501c3 status is pending with GenSeven, rendering those donations also tax-deductible assuming the tax status is approved. For any questions, send me an email or
I donated $100 to you guys. This cause means more to me than anything else. If we don't stop this now, all hope is lost. You guys are all heros for what you are doing. I cannot thank you enough.
Tax dollars are funding a federal government employee (NOAA) to be an "Administrator", assigned to GeoEngineering projects (which all have a NOAA-assigned number, "file number"). The NOAA Administrator then reviews GeoEngineering contracts and submissions and HE decides what the reporting requirements for that project will be. He has the ability to completely waive reporting or change the frequency. Being that Make Sunsets paperwork is on, they were assigned a file number and subsequently an Administrator, who is in charge of their project in terms of NOAAs involvement, for the duration of their project. They also have to communicate with their Administrator upon project completion. (NOAA will reappear in my Sunday Substack post, which will be a juicy one you wont want to miss!)
"CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, 15 CFR, Section 908.3 Activities subject to reporting, section (d)":
"All activities noted in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are subject to initial reporting. However, after the ADMINISTRATOR has received initial notification of a planned activity, he may waive some of the subsequent reporting requirements. This decision to waive certain reporting requirements will be based on the general acceptability, from a technical or scientific viewpoint, of the apparatus and techniques to be used."
Section e:
Other reporting exceptions may be made in the future by rule of the Administrator.
908.4 Initial report, sections B and C:
(b) If circumstances prevent the SIGNING OF A CONTRACT or agreement to perform, or receipt of an authorization to proceed with, a weather modification activity at a date early enough to comply with paragraph (a) of this section, the initial report shall be provided so as to be received by the ADMINISTRATOR within 10 days of the date of signing of the contract or agreement, or receipt of authorization to proceed. In such cases, the report shall be accompanied by an explanation as to why it was not submitted at least 10 days prior to the commencement of the activity.
(c) In the event that circumstances beyond the control of the person liable to report under these regulations prevent the submission of the initial report in a timely manner as described above, the report shall be forwarded as early as possible, accompanied by an explanation as to why a timely report has not been provided. If such explanation is deemed adequate, the ADMINISTRATOR will consider the report as timely filed.
By the way, Please don't use Gmail or iCloud. Please use Proton mail. It is 100% secure when a proton mail emails a fellow Proton mail. It is a Swiss company and their privacy laws do not allow for US Subpoenas, so the information is truly secure from "The Overlords". You wont have to worry about Google or Apple reading all of your legal information.
Thank you. Did you know that someone slipped into the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (the act that raised the debt ceiling because our government is so irresponsible) a section near the end called The Builder Act, and that made the first major substantive changes to NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) in FIFTY years? We need to find a way to self-govern as Americans because our government does not govern for us as intended. I have a section in the end of my second book ( or about what to do, knowing how corrupt our government is, but this geoengineering debacle creates new levels of issues. We are working on it - but there is just so much to consider, and how do we prove who is doing this (other than your explanation that when the military planes were grounded for upgrading, the geoengineering basically stopped). It is very complicated but we are taking it one step at a time.
I did not know about the Builder Act, Fantastic find! So they just changed the NEPA policy in April 2023 then changed the NOAA regulations 8 days ago? "Nothing to see here!", right?
I primarily specialize in locating and retrieving information that entities tried to scrub. I am targeting the years 1985-2006. In my opinion, a lot of the proof comes from what they scrubbed, which I will be actively sharing over the next couple months. I was planning to send it all on thumbs drives to Reinette, but I realized that it is really confusing to read one document at a time. It is easier to have someone who has read thousands of documents and knows which ones are cross-referenced, summarize it for you then provide the proof.
My first pretty shocking scrub dump will be posted on Sunday 9-10-23. I keep asking myself, "Why go to such lengths to scrub government documents if they are innocent?". They're not only deleting the documents, but they are taking extra measures to quietly close government entities, delete the site that hosted the documents and, in some cases, they are going to super extreme measures of using URLs that have absolutely nothing to do with anything, you will see an example of this on Sunday. You combine all of this information together and it's painfully obvious that someone is trying to hide something, and when the deleted documents talk about planes, aerosols, weather control, Solar Radiation Management and the military...
I have found ways to recover 90% of the data they attempted to delete, but going through it is tedious and often quite boring. Reading thousands of (scrubbed) gov emails back and fourth to each other to try and find that one slip-up is mind-numbing. Thank God for whiskey.
I cannot send emails to a gmail account because it is not secure, but you can send me your book,, but I will not reply unless you make a proton mail account (its free). Maybe someday you will be able to write a new book, "How the People Fought Back Against GeoEngineering", and I can write the intro for you :)
Would it be possible to locate the pilots doing this? Airplane tail number - research information on them. Go to their house & ask them questions why are they doing this? Where is the morals and values of these pilots???
Maybe but they sign agreements to not disclose information. I have heard that our tv weather men/ women have to sign a non disclosure agreement too but I can’t remember where I read it.
BAAL Ba/Al Barium Aluminum & Strontium We Know! But What Else?
They Do This With Impunity Because Regular People Cannot Acquire Surface To Air Technology!
This Is WW3 After All! Sing To It's A Small World After All!
This Is WW3 After All
This Is WW3 After All
This Is WW3 After All
And They Are Coming After Us!
My Brother & I In Canada Have Been Pointing Out The Difference Between Chemtrails & Contrails For Years But People Seem Like They Are Hypnotized & See Us As "Conspiracy Theorist's"!
You make an ignorant comment based on subjugation. If we have any hope to succeed in fighting to stop Geo-engineering our atmosphere, we can’t be distracted by the boogeyman in dark nonsense.
If you live in the country away from city light's go outside at night with a powerful flashlight and point it at the sky at a 10 or 2 o'clock position and look at all the crap that is coming down in the beam of light that we ALL are breathing in and remember this is 24/7, when I did this back in November of 23 it looked like a blizzard was coming down.
Recently awake here and watched 4 planes this morning spraying and blue sky vanished with 10 mins! Keeping tabs everyday since Feb and we have had so little Blue sky and direct sunlight so far this year. Potentially less than a week. Everyone around me is still sleeping and calling my many insulting names!
I grew up in Michigan and have been to the dunes, and in fact, have a gorgeous picture of us with a sapphire blue sky and the sparkling blue Lake Michigan from the lookout at the dunes. Breathtaking! I miss the blue sky. We rarely, if ever, see it here where we live in PA.
The entire population of the US could live comfortably on land the size of Texas, we are not overcrowded, only the major cities where they try and cram us all into tiny apartments so we are controlled and under constant surveillance. We allow our farmland to be sold and used as parking lots and behemoth corporations like amazon. Our water, air, and soil are poisoned by our own govt. If we don't take a stand, we are all going to perish, and what will become of our children, and grandchildren? They already will never know the innocence we knew as kids, and NEVER know privacy.
I live 300 km North of Toronto. The level of chemicals being sprayed in our skies is criminally alarming. Skies are milky gray. My eyes itch and I’m constantly congested. This gassing of human beings MUST end immediately! Time to hold all public servants accountable!
Very nice article! I'm a 1983 Michigan is my home state. Growing up in those times, I had the opportunity to enjoy the blue sky's and the beautiful big fluffy, and dreamy clouds..all the time, but now, from whatever they have been doing, there is no more of those skies left. The worst part about it all at this point, is that nobody talks about it!!!!!
This is war. Our government has been compromised by the rich elites, who want to reduce the population and steal your land. We have to find out where they load the plains, Intel makes the so called smart dust, they coat b2h6 nasty chem ,and nf3 aluminum tricolor on a 12" waffer, and smash it into small particals .this is why there's a chip shortage. Our population is 347m it was 333m for 20 years, covid backfired on them, 6.6 B now 8.4B, people with nothing to do but ----. So why do they want our land so bad , and to egnor the fact, that they to will die someday, and maybe much sooner than any of us.Evil has a time limit, and when he's done with them , he devours them. Our whole life we have been lied to. The book of Enoch tells the truth about our world.
Visible f*ckery in the skies over Toronto ON again this morning. I have a huge archive of evidence and photos similar to yours. Great links to info... time for me to join the fight, I've been educating myself but feel confident to start now and your work assists that.
I am lead counsel for and We are researching how to get an injunction. I was not aware that the government APPROVED the Make Sunsets application - can someone please provide me with that evidence (assuming it is accurate)? If you can support us, donations are tax-deductible with Lord Advocates, and the 501c3 status is pending with GenSeven, rendering those donations also tax-deductible assuming the tax status is approved. For any questions, send me an email or
Hi Dena!
I donated $100 to you guys. This cause means more to me than anything else. If we don't stop this now, all hope is lost. You guys are all heros for what you are doing. I cannot thank you enough.
Tax dollars are funding a federal government employee (NOAA) to be an "Administrator", assigned to GeoEngineering projects (which all have a NOAA-assigned number, "file number"). The NOAA Administrator then reviews GeoEngineering contracts and submissions and HE decides what the reporting requirements for that project will be. He has the ability to completely waive reporting or change the frequency. Being that Make Sunsets paperwork is on, they were assigned a file number and subsequently an Administrator, who is in charge of their project in terms of NOAAs involvement, for the duration of their project. They also have to communicate with their Administrator upon project completion. (NOAA will reappear in my Sunday Substack post, which will be a juicy one you wont want to miss!)
"CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, 15 CFR, Section 908.3 Activities subject to reporting, section (d)":
"All activities noted in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are subject to initial reporting. However, after the ADMINISTRATOR has received initial notification of a planned activity, he may waive some of the subsequent reporting requirements. This decision to waive certain reporting requirements will be based on the general acceptability, from a technical or scientific viewpoint, of the apparatus and techniques to be used."
Section e:
Other reporting exceptions may be made in the future by rule of the Administrator.
908.4 Initial report, sections B and C:
(b) If circumstances prevent the SIGNING OF A CONTRACT or agreement to perform, or receipt of an authorization to proceed with, a weather modification activity at a date early enough to comply with paragraph (a) of this section, the initial report shall be provided so as to be received by the ADMINISTRATOR within 10 days of the date of signing of the contract or agreement, or receipt of authorization to proceed. In such cases, the report shall be accompanied by an explanation as to why it was not submitted at least 10 days prior to the commencement of the activity.
(c) In the event that circumstances beyond the control of the person liable to report under these regulations prevent the submission of the initial report in a timely manner as described above, the report shall be forwarded as early as possible, accompanied by an explanation as to why a timely report has not been provided. If such explanation is deemed adequate, the ADMINISTRATOR will consider the report as timely filed.
There's a lot more. Sources:
- Here's site with the Laws, BUT they just edited it on 8-30-23. Odd, eh?
- Here's the previous version before the new edits:
By the way, Please don't use Gmail or iCloud. Please use Proton mail. It is 100% secure when a proton mail emails a fellow Proton mail. It is a Swiss company and their privacy laws do not allow for US Subpoenas, so the information is truly secure from "The Overlords". You wont have to worry about Google or Apple reading all of your legal information.
Thank you. Did you know that someone slipped into the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (the act that raised the debt ceiling because our government is so irresponsible) a section near the end called The Builder Act, and that made the first major substantive changes to NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) in FIFTY years? We need to find a way to self-govern as Americans because our government does not govern for us as intended. I have a section in the end of my second book ( or about what to do, knowing how corrupt our government is, but this geoengineering debacle creates new levels of issues. We are working on it - but there is just so much to consider, and how do we prove who is doing this (other than your explanation that when the military planes were grounded for upgrading, the geoengineering basically stopped). It is very complicated but we are taking it one step at a time.
I did not know about the Builder Act, Fantastic find! So they just changed the NEPA policy in April 2023 then changed the NOAA regulations 8 days ago? "Nothing to see here!", right?
I primarily specialize in locating and retrieving information that entities tried to scrub. I am targeting the years 1985-2006. In my opinion, a lot of the proof comes from what they scrubbed, which I will be actively sharing over the next couple months. I was planning to send it all on thumbs drives to Reinette, but I realized that it is really confusing to read one document at a time. It is easier to have someone who has read thousands of documents and knows which ones are cross-referenced, summarize it for you then provide the proof.
My first pretty shocking scrub dump will be posted on Sunday 9-10-23. I keep asking myself, "Why go to such lengths to scrub government documents if they are innocent?". They're not only deleting the documents, but they are taking extra measures to quietly close government entities, delete the site that hosted the documents and, in some cases, they are going to super extreme measures of using URLs that have absolutely nothing to do with anything, you will see an example of this on Sunday. You combine all of this information together and it's painfully obvious that someone is trying to hide something, and when the deleted documents talk about planes, aerosols, weather control, Solar Radiation Management and the military...
I have found ways to recover 90% of the data they attempted to delete, but going through it is tedious and often quite boring. Reading thousands of (scrubbed) gov emails back and fourth to each other to try and find that one slip-up is mind-numbing. Thank God for whiskey.
I cannot send emails to a gmail account because it is not secure, but you can send me your book,, but I will not reply unless you make a proton mail account (its free). Maybe someday you will be able to write a new book, "How the People Fought Back Against GeoEngineering", and I can write the intro for you :)
PS: if you want my book on Jeffrey Epstein (book 1) just send me an email with your address.
I am not sure you have came across this site that has been keeping an eye on this topic for a long time.
Would it be possible to locate the pilots doing this? Airplane tail number - research information on them. Go to their house & ask them questions why are they doing this? Where is the morals and values of these pilots???
Maybe but they sign agreements to not disclose information. I have heard that our tv weather men/ women have to sign a non disclosure agreement too but I can’t remember where I read it.
People Are So Mesmerized By Their Cell Phone Control Boxes They Never Look Up At The Sky!
I Refuse To Have One!
I Remember Blue Skies & Hot Sun Too!
I Also Remember Bugs, When You Drove In Summer Especially On The Highway Your Windshield Would Be Covered Promptly!
With This Dimming Haze There Seems To Be An Accompanying Intensity Of Burning Heat On The Skin The Instant You Get Outside!
Are We The Insect Scorched Under The Microscope?
BAAL Ba/Al Barium Aluminum & Strontium We Know! But What Else?
They Do This With Impunity Because Regular People Cannot Acquire Surface To Air Technology!
This Is WW3 After All! Sing To It's A Small World After All!
This Is WW3 After All
This Is WW3 After All
This Is WW3 After All
And They Are Coming After Us!
My Brother & I In Canada Have Been Pointing Out The Difference Between Chemtrails & Contrails For Years But People Seem Like They Are Hypnotized & See Us As "Conspiracy Theorist's"!
We Were Born In 1960!
The 'They' doing this are Freemasons and their Jewish controllers. Here is their plan -
"Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left?" - Jewish Tribune of New York, Oct 28, 1927
I Agree Completely!
Plus The United Nations & The Antichrist King Charles!!
You make an ignorant comment based on subjugation. If we have any hope to succeed in fighting to stop Geo-engineering our atmosphere, we can’t be distracted by the boogeyman in dark nonsense.
Thanks for your work.
And thank you for being a repeat reader. Your support means a lot.
If you live in the country away from city light's go outside at night with a powerful flashlight and point it at the sky at a 10 or 2 o'clock position and look at all the crap that is coming down in the beam of light that we ALL are breathing in and remember this is 24/7, when I did this back in November of 23 it looked like a blizzard was coming down.
Recently awake here and watched 4 planes this morning spraying and blue sky vanished with 10 mins! Keeping tabs everyday since Feb and we have had so little Blue sky and direct sunlight so far this year. Potentially less than a week. Everyone around me is still sleeping and calling my many insulting names!
I’m sad now thanks
I grew up in Michigan and have been to the dunes, and in fact, have a gorgeous picture of us with a sapphire blue sky and the sparkling blue Lake Michigan from the lookout at the dunes. Breathtaking! I miss the blue sky. We rarely, if ever, see it here where we live in PA.
What is the date of the Shasta County hearing in your 15 minute video that starts with "Galactic Services presents . . ." Please advise asap. 7139279935,
The entire population of the US could live comfortably on land the size of Texas, we are not overcrowded, only the major cities where they try and cram us all into tiny apartments so we are controlled and under constant surveillance. We allow our farmland to be sold and used as parking lots and behemoth corporations like amazon. Our water, air, and soil are poisoned by our own govt. If we don't take a stand, we are all going to perish, and what will become of our children, and grandchildren? They already will never know the innocence we knew as kids, and NEVER know privacy.
I live 300 km North of Toronto. The level of chemicals being sprayed in our skies is criminally alarming. Skies are milky gray. My eyes itch and I’m constantly congested. This gassing of human beings MUST end immediately! Time to hold all public servants accountable!
Very nice article! I'm a 1983 Michigan is my home state. Growing up in those times, I had the opportunity to enjoy the blue sky's and the beautiful big fluffy, and dreamy clouds..all the time, but now, from whatever they have been doing, there is no more of those skies left. The worst part about it all at this point, is that nobody talks about it!!!!!
This is war. Our government has been compromised by the rich elites, who want to reduce the population and steal your land. We have to find out where they load the plains, Intel makes the so called smart dust, they coat b2h6 nasty chem ,and nf3 aluminum tricolor on a 12" waffer, and smash it into small particals .this is why there's a chip shortage. Our population is 347m it was 333m for 20 years, covid backfired on them, 6.6 B now 8.4B, people with nothing to do but ----. So why do they want our land so bad , and to egnor the fact, that they to will die someday, and maybe much sooner than any of us.Evil has a time limit, and when he's done with them , he devours them. Our whole life we have been lied to. The book of Enoch tells the truth about our world.