MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More
👉An Introduction to the 3 Types of Military PSYOPS, the PSYOP Doctrine, tax dollars funding Fake News and a whole bunch of f*ckery. Sound the alarm, another conspiracy theory just came true.
“…the state is merely trying to deceive a population into believing the propaganda”…”In order to accomplish this, the state must engage in a highly competent deception campaign.”… “Since we seek to deceive the population in order to achieve reflexive control through environmental manipulation, we would replace “enemy,” with “population.”” - Satan vs. Satan: the use of Black PSYOP, Naval Postgraduate School
Yeeaaah… in case you missed that, the US Navy wants the reader to replace the word enemy with the word POPULATION. See, I told you this post was going to be about a bunch of f*ckery, and it’s going to get progressively more disturbing from here on out.
Not all Psychological Operation (PSYOP) programs are created equal, so today we are going to lift the veil on the three types of military PSYOPS, using government documents.
Bear with me here, this is a clusterf*ck of military units that are running PSYOPS, but I need you to see how massive these operations we are funding are, then we will discuss what exactly they are doing, and a pretty shocking list of PSYOPS TASK FORCE Members.
The CIA has the authority to execute PSYOPS, including Black PSYOPs, but the Department of Defense (DOD) takes the lead on most of the major operations. DOD PSYOPs are conducted almost entirely by units under the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) and United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (USACAPOC). Both of those units are overseen by the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM):
The Fort Bragg located USAOC is the sub-command responsible for all Psychological Operations units and their doctrine. Yep, there’s literally a PSYOP doctrine that outlines the rules they play by. Or should I say, the lack of rules. USACAPOC works under USASOC.
There are currently three PSYOP groups under USACAPOC, one active duty group (referred to below as 4th POG) and two reserve groups labeled (2nd and 7th POG). These three groups combined are made up of about 3,500 soldiers, non-commissioned officers, officers, and civilian analysts. That’s a whole lotta tax dollars funding a whole lotta propaganda and mindf*cking, eh?
The US Army’s Psychological Operations Unit’s motto is, “Persuade - Change - Influence”. (Psssst! If you’re into that number stuff, count the number of leaves on the outside of each branch, then count the leaves on the inside of each branch. Mmmhmm…)
United States Psychological Operations, as well as the PSYOP doctrine, mostly focus on campaigns using the media as the key player:
The one-and-a-half-minute video below really tugs on your heart strings because innocent Syrians are being “Slaughtered”… then you discover the footage is 100% confirmed to be fake… yet was ran on every media station, simultaneously, as being real. How do you suppose that mistake happened?
Media is selected for PSYOPs based on their audience. This is one reason why having assorted television channels, each with a tailored audience, is hugely important. They are corralling people into segments for manipulation, under the guise of “news” and “entertainment”. For example, Fox News and MSNBC both share some of the same demographics. Both stations primary viewership is ages 25 - 54 and both stations main viewership consists of middle class. However, the important difference in these stations, in terms of a PSYOP, is where they differ: almost 30% of MSNBC viewers have a college degree, versus only 17% of FOX watchers. To explain this in a simple way, if your goal was getting people to rally behind paying off student loan debt with tax dollars, instead of using that money to fix crumbling infrastructure, you would want to target MSNBCs audience. Whereas if the PSYOP is artificially raising minimum wage, you want to target the larger quantity of FOX-watching Blue Collar Workers, not the college-degreed MSNBC watchers.
“Media” is not limited to news stations, it also includes television programs, movies, newspapers, magazines, books, websites, blogs, social media, web searches, commercials, video games, etc. I’d like to point out, when we say, “Predictive programming is in movies and tv shows”, we are called Conspiracy Theorists:
However, there it is, in black and white, in their own documents, they use TV and movies for their Operations. Sound the alarm, another Conspiracy Theory just came true. Btw, this graph is from a 23-year-old military document. Imagine what capabilities they have now:
People often point out that only a couple people own all of the media stations. While this is true, the bigger picture is how much of the media the government owns. This, in itself, is a PSYOP: get people to focus on the 5 people who own everything (on paper) instead of asking how much of the media government controls.
(17 second video)
People ask, “How do these channels stay in business?”, then others quickly reply, “They have a contract to be aired in every airport and school”, meanwhile nobody replies, “Our tax dollars directly fund them through military and 3-letter-agency PSYOP programs”. Dude, think about this; we give NASA $25+ BILLION A YEAR for their “Space” Missions. Other than a 60+ year-long PSYOP, what the hell are we actually funding? More on that exact topic coming next week. I am currently working on a bombshell multipart series on the topic. You will love it, or your money back. Just kidding. I spend it as soon as I get it.
Some of the media that works with, or has worked with, the CIA includes:
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
Time Inc
New York Times
Louisville Courier‑Journal
American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
Associated Press
United Press International (UPI)
Hearst Newspapers
Scripps‑Howard (owns over 60 broadcast news and television stations)
Mutual Broadcasting System
Miami Herald
the old Saturday Evening Post
New York Herald‑Tribune
And that was just some of the entities that just the CIA works, or has worked, with. That doesn’t count the clusterf*ck of military PSYOP units we glanced at earlier. Folks, the CIA literally writes content and it is published under a known-authors name.
And, before I forget to tell you, there’s this document, published back in 2000, by the “Defense Science Board Task Force”, regarding creating content for Psychological Operations:
If you open the document and scroll all the way down to the final pages, you will see "TASK FORCE MEMBERSHIP”. Guess who is a member?:
Good ol’ Walt Disney. Some other names on the list that you might recognize: “BBN Technologies” is Raytheon, “C.S. Draper Laboratories” is into Human BioEngineering, “Bear Sterns” was an American investment bank, securities trading, and brokerage firm that failed in 2008. Why the f*ck is a bank a military PSYOP partner? Did you see Booz, Allen & Hamilton on the list too? I guess it’s a small world after all.
Not to get off-track, but I have journalist associate that traveled to Ukraine to visit the “war” when it was being reported as at its bloody peak. Not only did this associate record videos showing he could not locate the war, but the areas he did discover, quote, “are literal movie sets”. Now let’s put 2 + 2 together: What is Disney known for, other than Lion King? Disney has two locations in the USA that have spent nearly 60 years perfecting INTERACTIVE MOVIE SETS:
And Disney is military partner? MILITARY?! Specifically, Disney Imagineering is a Military PSYOP partner… the same branch of Disney that is responsible for building these “movie sets”…
Then Disney installs cameras and sensors in them to monitor peoples responses to their “exhibits”. They have learned exactly what display is needed to invoke a desired emotion.
One last thing on the war topic, then we will jump back into PSYOPS and specifically, BLACK PSYOPS: My mothers side of the family is composed of many artists and fabricators, several of which build realistic displays, movie props, etc. I grew up watching my uncles bend sheets of cheap, flexible metal into beautiful prop armor for a knight, cast objects from resin, airbrush something to make it look rusted, sleek, glossy or bloody, and carve full size objects, like tanks, cars and rocks, from foam. To give you an example of how incredible foam is:
Foam rocks in progress:
Once they’re detailed, you would never know they’re fake unless you touch them:
Fast forward to the war, when my journalist friend was sharing photos of scorched Ukrainian tanks on grass. My immediate response was, “Why are there no tank tread-marks in the grass?”. Tanks have very unique, patterned tread marks:
However, The only impressions in the grass, leading up to the tanks, were from standard flatbed-truck-type tires.
The more I zoomed-in on the tanks, the more I suspected they were foam, or possibly a hallow metal shell. You see, when you build a massive foam object, such as a tank, even though it’s foam, the finished product is very heavy. If it needs to be transported because it can’t be built on-site, you create it in pieces, then bring it to its final destination, then assemble it there. Due to the size of the foam pieces, you have to transport it in a cube van or on a flatbed or, if its really f*cking massive, you would load them into a semi truck, which would explain why there were no tank treads, but were truck impressions in the grass. This leads me to believe, the truck backed up and unloaded the tank, where it was assembles for the photos. I will be covering the war PSYOP in the near future, so click it or miss it:
Believe it or not, the government, including the military, can hire-out propagandizing the enemy GENERAL PUBLIC. According to the Navy’s document:
If the propaganda needed is not related to the internet, commercial contractors can be hired to “provide suitable products” to fit PSYOP needs. In many cases, there are “contractors who already supply a market with such information and the costs are merely subscription and licensing costs”. Yep, the government can literally subscribe to a propaganda machine and pay a licensing fee. “Licensing Fee” means, essentially, the government is paying to use a companies name or product name, for example, if they wanted to publish a New York Post newspaper, they would need to license the name. Equally, if they wanted to release a Pfizer product, they could license the name.
Alternatively, if the PSYOP campaign involves manipulating the publics opinion on the internet (social media, websites, etc), the document states that there are “major economies of scale” already doing this, so they can simply hire them to do the dirty work. For more on this exact topic, read my post THE CHEMTRAIL PSYOP:
The Rules that govern PSYOPS aren’t really Rules, they are more like Guides and Pointers. The US PSYOP doctrine is governed by U.S. Public Law. Section 10 U.S. Code, Chapter 167 and Presidential Executive Order S-12333. Executive Order 12333 was signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1981. (Did you also notice the “numbers stuff” in 12333?) There are new additions to the doctrine, such as new rules that went into effect regarding CYBER PSYOPS. This add-on to the doctrine is, 10 USC 167b: Unified combatant command for cyber operations. In a nutshell, it basically says, “Do whatever you want, as long as you’re doing it for The Greater Good National Security”
They are called Psychological Operations because they are based on Psychology. In order to manipulate someone, you have to attack a need; find out what matters most to them, then use it against them.
Per government documents, their PSYOPs often rely on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a pyramid of the needs that motivate people.
The base of the pyramid is Physiological. These are the very basic necessities of life: air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sleep, and health. After people have fulfilled those needs, they move up to Maslow’s next tier, Safety. Once people feel safe, the next level of need is Belonging, and so on. We watched Covid PSYOP play out exactly per Maslow’s. Covid started as being something terrifying that would impact your Health (Physiological need). In order to stay Safe you needed to wear a mask, “stay home, stay safe”, distance yourself from others. Once the vaccine was rolled out, they swiftly went after peoples Belonging need; if you didn’t roll up your sleeve for the mystery injection, you might be barred from entry to public places, or not allowed to fly on an airplane, barred from a cruise, blocked from attending an event, or, in my case, disowned by those who you loved most.
Next came the attack on Esteem; People and their livelihoods had already been labeled “unimportant”, then the media took it to a whole new level by esentially calling those who didn’t get jabbed, “dirty virus carriers who are dangers to society”. People were told we were selfish and were going to kill grandma. Quite frankly, it sucked really bad… as intended, and, it was enough to break many people, also as intended.
According to Maslow, most people never reach the top level of the pyramid because they have not fulfilled the lower levels. The highest level is Self-Actualization, which is the desire to accomplish all that you can and unleash all of your potential. Just to complete the Maslow’s Pyramid Covid PSYOP, they went after our Self-Actualization by terminating us from our careers, military discharges, scholarship-bound student athletes benched or removed from their team, doctors losing their medical license, threatening unaffordable fines to financially devistate families, restricting work-related travel, inacting mandates to jail us, even threats of losing custody or completely removing our children …and the Covid PSYOP worked because losing what we have worked so hard for, and the threat of having what we would die to protect taken away, was too much for most people to bear.
The three types of PSYOP campaigns are White, Gray, and Black. We pay for all of these Psychological Operations, and, despite the color names, these PSYOPS don't discriminate. No ma'am. They are equal opportunity PSYOPS that don’t give a damn about skintone, gender or preferred pronouns.
White PSYOP: The vast majority of all United States PSYOP products are White PSYOPs because they overtly originate with the U.S. government. ← that is from the militaries own document. Think about that… the VAST MAJORITY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS ARE RAN BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, with the words coming directly out of the governments mouth.
A couple examples of White PSYOPs include: President Biden telling the public it is their “Patriotic Duty to get vaccinated”, followed by, “Everyone dying in hospitals is unvaccinated”. A much deeper PSYOP is the government telling its people that on September 11th, skyscrapers collapsed due to airplanes.
Gray PSYOP means that the source is unknown to the public. Anonymous pieces in newspapers and advertisements that do not reveal their source would all qualify as a form of Gray PSYOP.
Black PSYOP: Black PSYOPs deliberately misrepresent the source. A Black PSYOP is a flat-out lie, that can be used to discredit, defame or completely destroy someone or something. If the target of a Black PSYOP is an individual, whether it be a president, a public figure, a CEO, a lawyer, etc., the goal is often to drain his resources and manpower. The same can be done to a business, charity or any individual. Quote, “The goal is not to remove the enemy’s general publics will to fight, but rather to drive them to action at a time and place of the state’s choosing in order to better target them for complete annihilation.” Yeah, our tax dollars fund “complete annihilation” of… ourselves.
Remember, Black PSYOPS are complete deception, but there are different processes that can be chosen to reach the goal:
DILUTE: The Dilute Black PSYOP program involves taking existing messages and content from the target and redistributing it with edits to make the message confusing. A simple example of this: let’s say the real message is, “The rally will be held at 1234 Main Street at 7pm on January 1st”, this event can be attacked by the Black Ops putting out the message, “The rally will be held at 376 Main Street at noon”. The goal is to cause Confusion and Disillusionment (someone losing belief or hope in something). A much deeper example of this would be eventually what happened with the Q Movement. So much PSYOP content, and even an HBO documentary (Q: Into the Storm), was released, that the majority of people had no idea what was true and abandoned it entirely.
DISTRACT: The Distract Black PSYOP program uses what has come to be known as “pseudogangs.” The DISTRACT method involves the gov secretly doing something bad, then blaming it on someone else, typically a competitor or rival of the Black Op target.
DIVIDE: The Divide Black PSYOP program issues threats and hurls insults at key figures, then blames the Black Ops target. We witnessed a lot of this between 2015 and 2021, when social media accounts calling themselves Conservatives came out of nowhere and were extreme racists. These “republican” accounts began attacking all non-whites and specifically launched attacks on Latinos. Simultaneously, the media was heavily reporting that Donald Trump and his supporters are racist. Anyone who would Google Search anything related to Trump would see page after page of racism content, which reinforced exactly what the media was parroting. Next thing we knew, the supposed KKK was marching down streets and attending Trump rallies, Nazi flag in hand, and the media was right there to film it all. By the way, it sure seems like the KKK suddenly vanished back into oblivion again, just like Covid, BLM and Antifa. Strange how that works, eh?
DELUGE: The word “Deluge” means “a flood or heavy downpour”. The Deluge Black PSYOP program signs the target up for more operations than he can handle in order to degrade his credibility. “If the program signs the insurgent up to blow up a police station, then if the program is effective, those dead police are testimonies to that effectiveness.” …Very, very evil.
DESENSITIZE: The goal of the Desensitize program is to flood the population with propaganda to such an extent that they are sick of it. The government mass produces such huge quantities of existing propaganda that, “the populace is infuriated by having their yards covered with paper or their airwaves clogged with the same message ad nauseum”. The public is so sick of hearing about it that they intentionally refuse to discuss it any longer, regardless of what the situation is and regardless of how important it is to discuss it further:
DOMESTICATE: The Domesticate Black PSYOP program involves spreading rumors that are so severe and reputation-damaging that the Black Op target is forced to correct them through a “whole series of awkward conversations with his supporting population”. Think of this PSYOP as complete embarrassment and shame, in addition to having your reputation absolutely destroyed.
And that, my friends, is an introduction to Psychological Warfare and BLACK PSYOPS. I hope you enjoyed this one. We will dive in even deeper very soon. In the meantime, there’s links to more of my PSYOP content below, but first:
And again, a massive THANK YOU to Someone who bought me 21 whiskeys! Cheers!
This one is REALLY, REALLY good!:
This list is everything I looked at to write this article. I don’t use all of my sources, but I leave them here for anyone who is looking to research the topic. If you want to dig in deeper, you can use my research as a starting point:
The PSYOP process is regulated mostly by FM 3-05.30 and FM 3- 9 05.301. These documents discuss Tactics, Techniques, Procedures, the 7-phase PSYOP Process and how PSYOPs should be conducted by PSYOP forces.
Absolutely brilliant, "A". Many years ago I was in the U.S. Navy, an Anti-Submarine Warfare Squadron. We enlisted men lovingly referred to the Navy as, "The Suck." The CIA is actually a military strike force which murders at will in accordance with shadow government directives & policy. The CIA and all military Intel are connected at the hip to the notorious Tavistock Institute in London, England. That is the world's premier social engineering and behavior modification laboratory which promulgates programs to brain rape and herd the masses in whatever direction they want them to go. Some years after I was released from Uncle Saul's, Red, White, & Blue Murder Machine, these perverts in power began in earnest to social engineer the military, transmuting it into the fagot, bulldyke, mongrel, tranny, she-male, pussy, freak show in uniform that it is today. Take away their high tech toys of mayhem, and that rabble couldn't whip a Catholic girls school at tiddly winks. I thought it very odd that the Rulers of, "Israel West", a.k.a. the U.S. would emasculate the banker's strike force but you know how it is with the Chozen Pipple. The promotion of degeneracy and depravity always comes first and foremost, particularly with Aryans.
FINALLY! Someone putting things together in a concise way that normies can understand. Last year I was eating at a restaurant and 2 asian-american couples were in the corner eating. I could over hear their convo about their kids just getting into Space Force. At some point I realized i should be recording the convo... it went something like them talking about their kids being just out of high school, cadets in some HS program, getting into SF and there are 19 departments you can get into, ALL psyops. Enter the interview Nino rodriguez has with a SF guy, and the sentence that stood out to me was how they were not to question orders at any time. Meanwhile, media and the "que" psyop has people thinking SF is friendly. Man... i miss the good ol days when we thought the military was a good thing doing their job of protecting the country and we were proud to support them. My how things have changed.