2 Suns in the Sky: Optical Illusion or Military Operation?🔆🔅The DOUBLE SUN PSYOP Part 1
Just when you think you've seen it all, two suns began being reported across the world...
When I first started researching GeoEngineering and the Chemtrail Program, very few were interested in the topic. The vast majority thought it was laughable to suggest that the government would ever intentionally, and secretly, cloak the sky in toxic chemicals. Back then, if you searched Twitter for “#Chemtrails”, there were under 30 posts a day and those posts got very few views. Fast forward to Covid Lockdown and everything changed. Many of my Chemtrail posts started getting tens-of-thousands of views (in some cases, hundreds-of-thousands). As strange as it may sound, it was really exciting for me to see people finally looking at the sky and asking questions.
When people began looking up, they started discovering a whole lotta weird stuff going on. For starters, there’s lines and grids spanning horizon-to-horizon: (45 second video)
There’s planes visibly spraying X’s: (1:30 video)
Even at night:
But we are told, “This is just normal air traffic! It’s just condensation! Ice Crystals!”… (5 second video)
Just when people had thought they’d seen it all, something really f*cking strange started happening…
In addition to a sky full of chemicals, people have also been discovering two sources of light in the sky, often in opposite directions; while one “sun” is setting in the West, another “sun” is setting in the East. I have personally witnessed this multiple times, in recent years, from my home in Michigan. What I have seen is nearly identical to this video (1 minute video)
(19 second video)
(15 seconds)
Sometimes the “suns” are very close together. Here’s a video from North Carolina: (45 seconds)
This is a video from Florida. Whoever made this video is referring to the second sun as a “planet”. Before you jump to agree with this assessment, please finish this article and read Part 2 (1:14 video)
(56 seconds)
Slideshow of close-range double-suns: (52 seconds)
A large amount of people, all over the world, began questioning these “Double Suns” on social media:
Social Media is one easy way for the government to monitor the populations suspicions. When enough people on social media start posting about something they find alarming, it means the government-operated media needs to swoop in, wrangle the situation, get it under control, then shift focus to whatever the F they want you to believe. Remember how I showed you the US Army’s Psychological Operations units logo in my BLACK PSYOPS Substack post? Even their logo says what they are doing:
So, as I was saying, when citizens start questioning something, it’s time to Persuade, Change, Influence, so the media goes to work by first acknowledging what the citizens are questioning:
Then they choose the PSYOP technique they want to deploy on the population. In the case of Two Suns, they chose to use the DILUTE tactic, which consists of confusing the population with multiple different answers, therefore causing most of the populous to ultimately give up on seeking truth. Here’s how the DILUTE PSYOP TACTIC works:
On Twitter you ask, “Why am I seeing two suns in the sky?”
Someone then sends you a link to an MCNBC article that says, “Science has proven, it’s just a bright star!”
Then someone else sends you a link to an article that says, “It’s a biblical prophecy! The world is about to end!”
A third person says, “False! I am a meteorologist and I assure you, it is just a rare reflection! Read my post about it!”
You read all three articles and still have no genuine answer, so you say, “F*ck it”, then order a burrito on Uber Eats because you know tacos always arrive soggy and there’s no good way to reheat a soggy taco… although I have found the air fryer to work pretty well.
In order to DILUTE the Two Suns topic, the media cranked out multiple conflicting explanations (none of which involve the government, of course. And that, darling, is how you know it’s a PSYOP):
ANSWER #1: It’s just an Optical Illusion. All you are seeing is Clouds:
ANSWER #2: It’s just planets:
ANSWER #3: It’s completely unexplained:
ANSWER #4: It’s just a reflection
ANSWER #5: It’s your phones camera.
A cell phone camera can create a dot that people mistake for being a planet or a second sun. Duh, didn’t you know that, you stupid conspiracy theorist!
ANSWER #6: Photoshop! These people are pulling pranks!
ANSWER #7: It’s just a “Sun Dog”
Also known as “parhelia”, which means to a “mock sun” or “false sun.” Basically it’s an atmospheric optical illusion caused by clouds or ice crystals high up in the atmosphere, where the air is very cold, which act like a prism and refract the sun’s light, making luminous shapes in the sky. … see, it’s nothing! Just be happy you saw the phenomenon and go back to watching Netflix!
ANSWER #8: It’s called “Hunters Moon”, a phenomenon that creates the appearance of two suns in the sky.
ANSWER #9: Sunsets, in general, are all optical illusions, so ignore them:
ANSWER #10: It’s the aftermath of Meteorites!
OMG! Outer Space is so scary! Good thing the space agencies control it for us!
Looking at the answers above, they also chose to deploy the DISTRACT technique, which involves blaming the target of the PSYOP for the PSYOP. If you look closer, almost all of the answers are your fault:
Your eyes were tricked by an optical illusion
You’re too old to understand how a cell phone camera works
You were tricked, someone pulled a prank on you with hoax pictures and your dumbass believed it
“It’s normal, stop bringing it up” = You’re stupid for not knowing this is absolutely nothing, so STFU and stop sharing pics of it
It’s Science and you‘re not a Scientist, so it’s too complex for you to ever understand, pleb
Not a single answer dives into sh*t the government has been doing (and patenting), such as NASA filing a patent for an artificial sun to be used as a fake planet that was then rumored to possibly collide with earth. Hashtag PSYOP.
So, if this double sun isn’t a hoax, and if it’s not an optical illusion, then WTF is it?
Worldwide, for the past decade, many movies have been made about problems with the sun. Here’s just a couple:
2007: Sunshine, “A team of international astronauts is sent on a dangerous mission to reignite the dying Sun with a nuclear fission bomb in 2057.” This movie includes the sun dying and outer space, a two-for-one propaganda flick!
2008: Solar Flare, “A young math genius discovers a huge solar storm on the verge of destroying the Earth's power grid and he must alert the world”
2009: Solar Flare (Yes, two movies named Solar Flare released within 1 year of eachother) “"...The biggest Sun eruptions in human history, causing the highest neutrino count we've ever recorded!""
2013: Exploding Sun “When a massive solar storm blows a rocket off course, the ship moves forward, out of control, on a direct path toward the Sun”
2019: The Last Sunrise “The movie takes place in a near future where solar power accounts for over 95% of the world's power grid, leading to overwhelming peace and prosperity. However, when the sun disappears from the sky, it plunges the world into darkness and the power quickly runs out.” … is this a movie or a prophecy?…
2020: Into the Night, “When the sun inexplicably starts killing everything and everyone in its path, a few ‘lucky’ passengers and crew of an overnight flight out of Brussels try to survive as they fly west - into the night.”
2023: The Wandering Earth 2, “After learning that the sun is rapidly burning out, humans engage in a desperate attempt to propel Earth to a new solar system”
So, we have two suns appearing in the sky and the media (military PSYOP units) so concerned with people asking questions that they are running operations to confuse people who are looking for an answer. Additionally, we have Hollywood producing movies about the sun failing, which brings us to Part 2 of this series: THE SUN SIMULATOR, which is pretty crazy topic:
Think I tried hard on this post?:
I find it ironic that people are being strongly encouraged to install solar panels, meanwhile they're spraying the sky with particles that BLOCK sunlight!
I have been documenting chemtrail activity in my region for the last 4-5 years. I have personally seen the 2-sun phenomenon about 5 times. I have some excellent photos of this as well. I have also noticed that the 2-sun effect happens only on days with heavy chemtrail activity.