The problem also is thinking that there are actually such a thing as vitamins, naturally found in fruits and vegetables. There is no isolated compound that’s beneficial. The whole food is Synergistically beneficial.
I’ve seen it over and over I think I’m blocked from pretty much everyone now, You can’t interfere with their Cash cow of private label, supplements or detox cures that recommend microdose poisons with their affiliate links.
How long does it take to remove vitd hormone from your fat stores? Unfortunately, I took high doses of D, K, omega , C, quercetin, niacin-the one that does make you flush, a couple of years before covid, and during covid, and started ivermectin 🤮 thinking I was a smarty. Luckily, I never stick to the pull popping ritual consistently but I fell for the mega dosing on d, and I didn’t put 2+2 toy at all until now. I was losing hair, suffered hot flashes, neuropathy and severe joint pains. Of which my doc convinced me to start hormone replacement for pre-menopausal age. Ugh!!! I have not taken a vitamin/supplement nor any OTC/RX drugs for a few years now but I do eat some fortified foods despite knowing I shouldn’t.
The joint pain persists, the hot flashes aren’t as bad but have not gone away and hair loss stopped. Lastly, I do drink coffee and raw heavy cream, raw butter and cheese-which has proven difficult to stop.
How long does it take to remove the vitamin d from fat?
I just bought a 75lb bag of epsom salt. Now I’m wondering if that is also bad news.
NO ONE should ever take any product such as Ivermectin, HQC, garlic, wormword, etc for longer than a day or two. These are medicinal, not intended to be used as regular food.
Ivermectin works perfectly and does no damage to a healthy body, so long as it is used rarely and only when needed to kill off parasite infestations that regular food such as ginger and spices won't remove fast enough.
Too many people fail to realize there is a huge difference between medicinal treatments and daily maintenance foods.
We are all exposed to radiation through multiple invisible wireless vectors that present as hair loss and yada yada. Maybe due to supplements or radiation or both. You have to keep your head on a swivel to figure this out.
Yes, absolutely agree that we are poisoned in more ways than one. When I was losing hair by the hand full I was living in a tiny in law unit behind my land lords main house but I shared a wall with the wife’s home office and she had internet, I knew nothing about internet dangers at the time so I also had my internet router in my place, 2018. I also had a few lithium charging stations (3 yetis and a electric bike) charging plus my cellphone 😬😳🤷♀️. I had started to learn about fasting, carnivore dieting and had an oura ring. Holy moly I was a dim wit. I lost 30lbs in a month and started losing hair so I blamed the stress of fasting on that. Totally plausible. I was also very peri menopausal with horrible symptoms (before fasting) so I was easily convinced to start hormones, which worked wonders. Anyway, hindsight is 20/20 vision….unfortunately, I’ve been a slow learner.
Supplements might no longer be 'clean' because excipients used as flow agents and others that are endocrine disruptors that cause sex confusion are there as well as the sale of companies to other entities which I will not name who do not care about you. Keep your life as simple as possible because modern conveniences are not your friends. I have to shorten my run on sentences.
For heaven's sake, what's the point of detoxing if you keep refilling yourself with 'fortified foods'?? Obviously you can't detox fast enough to fully recover because you keep putting chemicals back into your body faster than you are removing them.
I'm not trying to be condescending at all -- just trying to undertand your logic.
All you have to do is check out their website and see the massive company it has become for you to understand that this label is most likely/probably/is the same as all the others. They may have started out innocent but now own massive warehouse/labs in the US.
I've been working with a functional medicine doctor for several years. Have learned a lot but still I'm lazy :P But my main concern is my brain fog/seeming lack of short-term memory. I'm going to change my diet and be more mindful of exercising. My doc said the brain fog/etc is lack of sleep. I wake up too many times at night. :/ Any advice?
Getting rid of parasites and toxins will reduce brain fog generally.
A low intake of lectins and oxalates will deliver brain fog.
Circadian rhythm also plays a part in brain fog.
Test 1: bacterial overload
Take 1 tablespoon of dry organic cayenne paper into your mouth and chase it with an 8 oz glass of water. This will wash away the burn, and as the pepper digests, you will feel the blood flow in your blood, you will feel it, your eyes burn a bit from the capillaries in there; this is the cayenne releasing its load in your blood, which goes everywhere and kills off bacteria that may be hiding somewhere.
Test 2: acidosis
Stir 1 Tablespoon of Sodium Bicarbonate into an 8 oz glass of water, let it settle so the potential heavy metal drops to the bottom, and drink the top 90%. You will burp and feel a flush, that means you were acidic.
Test 3: circadian rhythm hack
Take one full stopper of Organic Oregano Oil and chase it with an 8 oz glass of water after sundown. You will either perk up at 100% brain capacity for a few hours or not.
"Most supplements are actually quite healthy. Vast majority, actually."
Can you substantiate this claim? Agent and Medicine Girl have done the hard digging to compile all the evidence- with multiple sources- that the opposite of this is true. Have you actually read any of the material? If you want to provide a counter argument, you have to do better.
Doctors (allopathic, naturopathic, almost ALL doctors) are completely ignorant. Is it the long hours, the stressful environmental with little sleep, the indoctrination of research(TM)? Because common sense questions no longer scratch the surface with them. With my second child I obediently began taking a prenatal vitamin - same brand as the first pregnancy. But this time I noticed the skin on my hands starting to thin. It was so bad that they would burn and crack. I wasn’t making the connection early on, but I later decided to switch to a different brand of prenatals. Unsuccessful, my doctor sent me to a dermatologist and they couldn’t figure it out either. They blamed it on a silver or nickel allergy which I didn’t test positive for! I stopped taking prenatal vitamins and my skin started to heal. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. My daughter is healthy and all is well. It took years for my skin to completely heal.
We are talking about people who prescribe exogenous Testosterone to little girls, and women with mental illness; and Estrogen to little boys, and grown men. That is spell-level indoctrination, think of them as being cursed or under mind control, because that's literally what they are to be this backwards, in their ‘knowledge’ of what it means to be healthy.
Fantastic write-up! Very helpful. I've tossed all vitamins thanks to your sleuthing and reporting.
The short vid about the gas chambers was fascinating...and made me think about recent(?) claims disputing some aspects of the Holocaust, such as if the gas chambers really existed. I'm hoping you'll cover this verrrrrry controversial topic. I've subscribed to you for many months and believe you haven't covered it. If you do, I'll be the first one to read it.
I love following you and Medicine Girl! Every link in the last few articles (other than those linked directly to YouTube) show as ‘errors’ and will not play on my iPad or hubby’s iPhone. Just so you know. I’m curious why you are drinking that tea with ‘natural flavors’ - since we know that is anything BUT natural. And tea in ANY ‘teabag’ should be banned as well - they contain microplastics - even the ‘silk’ ones. I won’t start on the ‘organic’ part…
Never drink bagged teas. Not only are they toxic and often contain fillers, but are far more expensive then loose teas.
It is so easy and invigorating to grow your own. Spend a few minutes daily to forage for wild herbs such as peppermint, chamomile, vervain, chickory, and then dry them in a cool dark space, such as a closet. There is NO reason to be buying packaged teas, except for organic premium Green Teas from the mountains in Asia, where there is little to no pollution (or crooks).
There is no reason not to grow your own oregano, basil celriac, thyme, etc., or to gather and dry sumac flowers, rose flowers and hips...doesn't cost a single cent as they are everywhere, even in the city.
One tea from across the pond that is really good is Mountain Tea (loose with all the leaves, flowers and stems intact, so you can see exactly what you are getting).
When does just living and life experience give one the right to wisdom?
I was raised popping vitamins. Spent thousands on them, but my fears never went away.
We never had a family doctor while I was growing up. My Father said our physician was "Jesus" and supplements (lol). I am not kidding. Yes, I had to have a physical to play sports in High School, but no family doctor. My family was duped into the vitamin scam. No more. Threw all that crap away. I guess in some ways we are all still looking for the fountain of youth.
I was lucky indeed -- my parents did not believe in conventional doctors, vaccines, pharm, authoritiesof any kind. And we couldn't afford junk food anyway. Mom had 7 kids, all healthy and she lived to almost 90 in great health, slim, very active...
We didn't have toys, entertained ourselves outdoors until bed time and ate what was put in front of us -- always homemade. We walked everywhere, alone or in packs of kids..
Our parents were the boss, not our friends or chauffers.
We were free to try life out, but the few rules imposed were strictly enforced.
When we left home, we were independent, able to reason, healthy, discerning and immune to what others thought of us hillbillies. Today we are resilient and especially resourceful, I think because we didn't bother to get the 'advanced' education kids get today, but instead went right to work.
So our air is full of poison, our food is full of poison, our supplements are full of poison, even organic food is tainted because of the heavy metals that fall on the crops from the chem trails. No wonder Jesus said in Mathew 24 “If those days were not cut short, no man would survive.”
Exactly what the globalist Luciferians want is for governments to regulate and control everything we put into our mouths. Should we really want the FDA to have oversight when it comes to all things called vitamins, minerals, herbals, essential oils, tinctures, etc., just as they currently have over our toxic processed and adulterated whole foods which the FDA allows? Not a good idea, imo.
Increasingly, the FDA doesn't require complete ingredient and country of origin disclosure when it comes to labeling. This oversight agency allows all sorts of harmful processes. Worse, buying "organic" can still mean the food is made with toxic or compromised ingredients and/or treated with toxic processes. They already have permitted bug meal and may soon allow pharma, pseudo vaccine ingredients into our foods.
Controllers have floated the idea that Amazon become the nation's pharmacy for medicine and supplements and this would be a blow for consumer choice and safety. It would become a checkpoint for the aggregation of customer personal and medical history and a chokepoint for customers declined for certain purchases based on "health" reasons. There'd likely be far less choice in sources and less transparency wrt to ingredients and processing, just as reflected in the shelves of Whole Foods, Inc, where their own brands under different names and increasingly vague labeling dominate the new paucity of choice. And, unless one was invited to the Rocky Mountain high Bezos wedding, any problems with the products would be difficult to address, because Amazon is pretty much a faceless entity and too large for typical customers to challenge in court.
Corporate monopolies are completely unhealthful for us who are being given fewer and fewer choices, and the indisputable fact is that government agencies work for them, not us. We should be working toward accountability in government, especially wrt to food and water quality and also getting the Congress to make stricter laws for complete product disclosure before opining to put the FDA in charge of supplements, as everything stands, currently.
We're headed to a fascist monopoly in which we may be forbidden to even grow our own food and herbs or dig our own wells. We'll be told independent living and having choices is not at all sustainable and compatible with Agenda 30 and the Great Reset. Let's feel free to research supplements and to selectively or not take them while we can. Best would be if we all grew our own food, herbs, and medicinal trees and processed them using decontaminated water and soil. Good luck to all of us.
"t the globalist Luciferians want is for governments to regulate and control everything we put into our mouths" and arm, and MSM brainwashing,, indoctrination, and soon Neuralink implants.
It's a racket, just like Halal. I did the reasearch on Halal and realized that it is a hidden tax on westerners because to get the fake certification, retailers have to pay an extortion fee that is then passed onto the consumer.
The Halal racket was started in the late 1980s by 2 Muslim businesmen in the middle east who fraudulently linked it to 'religious' requirement, and off they went. The scam generates some $10-15 billion /year that is used for jihad and Islamization of western nations. Prior to this scheme being launched, there was never any mention of food, clothes, products having to be 'halal' whatsoever.
The original reason I looked into Halal was because I had been told that the slaughter process totally violated our slaughter laws and was horrifically cruel. Indeed it is not only beyond cruel, but extremely unhygenic and totally part of the Halal certification scam.
Halal is basically animal abuse, most likely the same as "kosher" meat. I do believe that the fear that the animal experiences through the horrendous slaughter goes into anyone who eats it because that adrenaline affects the animal's entire system.
Correction, it was only a matter of time before we found out. They were poisoning, vitamins, and supplements. They created them out of poison from the beginning the wolf and shapes clothing or just catching up to speed 100 something years later.
Appreciate both of your efforts on countless hours of research. I am getting caught up on things . Have you covered broad spectrum synbiotics/ SBO? My apologies if you have. I usually obtain these from raw fermented foods. Was sent this asking for an opinion??? Here is the link to Enviormedica / product TERRAFLORA. Thanks!!
using AI to determine whether you should be taking rat poison, or not is almost beyond comprehension.
As you know, when the sunlight hits your skin, there’s 36 different hormonal reactions produced synergistically-- it’s the synergy of the reactions that is healthy for the body. You can’t take one steroid hormone, and make it synthetically in a lab and call it good. They only use this chemical in your body because it changes a lab marker has nothing to do with your sunshine health, bone health or health in general
but taking rat poison will slowly destroy your health the way it kills rats, mice cats, or dogs is it pulls calcium once ingested in thr gut, from the bones joints teeth into the bloodstream, and wilo calcify the body, causing liver stones and other issues that result in death. it doesn’t kill you because it’s a microdose of the poison, but will pull calcium from your bone slowly overtime. The amount depends on your bodies chemistry. It can be dangerous for some causing heart, arrhythmias, bone density laws, osteoporosis, renal damage, kidney failure, kidney stones among some of the fun side effects overtime
The same thing happens to you if you took too much, but be my guest and take an AI supported lobbyist promotrd rodenticide if that’s what you want to do
Don't forget the "Vitamin K" shot a newborn baby receives within hours of first breath. Add to that the umpteen "vaccines" he/she receives within first days of life. Interactions be dammed.
I appreciate you and Medicine Girl and all your efforts. Thank you for doing the work that most of us cannot. I pray for healing over you and all that you love.
Great question and I will start researchIng. I used to live in Bellingham, Washington and would go in the middle of winter to the tanning beds two or three times just to feel better-Get my bones warm until I was smart enough to book a trip to Hawaii or Mexico every winter instead-much nicer way.
I doubt some thing synthetic with lights that allegedly tan your skin would be beneficial in anyway, but who knows
from what I understand, it shouldn't be an issue in moderation, just like the UV radiation from the sun we shouldn't get to much exposure and northern climates in Russia and places where sunlight can be scarce in winter, people use UV light blubs to intake "vitamin D", or what ever the chemical reaction that happens in our body when exposed to UV radiation is called, I haven't done any research on unnatural UV radiation but i would expect just as anything unnatural there are probably worse side effects then being malnourished in that aspect of nourishment when exposed to unnatural UV radiation.
side note, i read a paper from a russian doctor in the 90s showing experiments how living tissue organisms produce faint UV radiation which can be measured as electromagnetic radiation, this whole time reading about the vittamin/ virology/ geneology scam, ive been wondering how do dis-eases transfer from person to person and this doctor proves it is done through electromagnetic frequency.
its quite a fasinating read, people like you, agent, and others on here have inspired me to write about it so article coming soon.
I’m waiting for opinions on epsom salts too. I don’t take bathes much though because I don’t have a flouride/bromides filter and taking hot bathes is a fast way to absorb unwanted chemicals. It seems there’s literally nothing left to enjoy, ack!
Is Cholecalciferol manufactured by the human body?
Yes, cholecalciferol, also known as vitamin D3, is produced by the human body. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, it converts a cholesterol derivative called 7-dehydrocholesterol into cholecalciferol. This process primarily occurs in the skin.
Once produced, cholecalciferol is transported to the liver and kidneys, where it is converted into its active form, calcitriol. Calcitriol helps regulate calcium and phosphate levels in the blood, promoting healthy bone formation and maintenance.
The problem also is thinking that there are actually such a thing as vitamins, naturally found in fruits and vegetables. There is no isolated compound that’s beneficial. The whole food is Synergistically beneficial.
You know you’re over the target when anti vaxxers and truthers are attacking you. Great work,
I’ve seen it over and over I think I’m blocked from pretty much everyone now, You can’t interfere with their Cash cow of private label, supplements or detox cures that recommend microdose poisons with their affiliate links.
Suppose I could dig deeper , but there’s you & your vast knowledge. Question
NOW vitamins & supplements? I’ve trusted this age old family operation for decades.
Woodstock generation granny Olympia Wa. Deepest gratitude to you for your tenacity, endurance, courage, integrity, compassion & determination.
How long does it take to remove vitd hormone from your fat stores? Unfortunately, I took high doses of D, K, omega , C, quercetin, niacin-the one that does make you flush, a couple of years before covid, and during covid, and started ivermectin 🤮 thinking I was a smarty. Luckily, I never stick to the pull popping ritual consistently but I fell for the mega dosing on d, and I didn’t put 2+2 toy at all until now. I was losing hair, suffered hot flashes, neuropathy and severe joint pains. Of which my doc convinced me to start hormone replacement for pre-menopausal age. Ugh!!! I have not taken a vitamin/supplement nor any OTC/RX drugs for a few years now but I do eat some fortified foods despite knowing I shouldn’t.
The joint pain persists, the hot flashes aren’t as bad but have not gone away and hair loss stopped. Lastly, I do drink coffee and raw heavy cream, raw butter and cheese-which has proven difficult to stop.
How long does it take to remove the vitamin d from fat?
I just bought a 75lb bag of epsom salt. Now I’m wondering if that is also bad news.
You can email me and I will send you some information and you can call me
By the way, ivermectin will cause extreme damage to violation and joints, but it is reversible. It just takes quite a bit of time.
NO ONE should ever take any product such as Ivermectin, HQC, garlic, wormword, etc for longer than a day or two. These are medicinal, not intended to be used as regular food.
Ivermectin works perfectly and does no damage to a healthy body, so long as it is used rarely and only when needed to kill off parasite infestations that regular food such as ginger and spices won't remove fast enough.
Too many people fail to realize there is a huge difference between medicinal treatments and daily maintenance foods.
Garlic isn't intended as a food?
Explain, please.
We are all exposed to radiation through multiple invisible wireless vectors that present as hair loss and yada yada. Maybe due to supplements or radiation or both. You have to keep your head on a swivel to figure this out.
Yes, absolutely agree that we are poisoned in more ways than one. When I was losing hair by the hand full I was living in a tiny in law unit behind my land lords main house but I shared a wall with the wife’s home office and she had internet, I knew nothing about internet dangers at the time so I also had my internet router in my place, 2018. I also had a few lithium charging stations (3 yetis and a electric bike) charging plus my cellphone 😬😳🤷♀️. I had started to learn about fasting, carnivore dieting and had an oura ring. Holy moly I was a dim wit. I lost 30lbs in a month and started losing hair so I blamed the stress of fasting on that. Totally plausible. I was also very peri menopausal with horrible symptoms (before fasting) so I was easily convinced to start hormones, which worked wonders. Anyway, hindsight is 20/20 vision….unfortunately, I’ve been a slow learner.
Supplements might no longer be 'clean' because excipients used as flow agents and others that are endocrine disruptors that cause sex confusion are there as well as the sale of companies to other entities which I will not name who do not care about you. Keep your life as simple as possible because modern conveniences are not your friends. I have to shorten my run on sentences.
For heaven's sake, what's the point of detoxing if you keep refilling yourself with 'fortified foods'?? Obviously you can't detox fast enough to fully recover because you keep putting chemicals back into your body faster than you are removing them.
I'm not trying to be condescending at all -- just trying to undertand your logic.
All you have to do is check out their website and see the massive company it has become for you to understand that this label is most likely/probably/is the same as all the others. They may have started out innocent but now own massive warehouse/labs in the US.
I toured NOW in Schaumburg, Cook County, Illinois 2023
WOW huge operation. I guess I’m sobering up to “profits over people” or is it profits over dignity? Over integrity? Over Health? Dumb founded granny.
Hey Medicine Girl I think you will appreciate my podcast here on Alzheimers autism connection. ( I have other podcasts to reverse this condition) :
What are your protocols? I’ve help people reduce or remove symptoms of fake diagnosis of autism Alzheimer’s dementia, etc..
I healed myself....
Autism - Vaccine Injury - My story - My recovery -
Heavy Metals detox:
1) Organic fresh Cilantro
2) Food Grade H2O
3) High-Quality C60 (carbon 60)
All other detox
1)Bentonite Clay
2)Clinoptilolite Clay
3)Activated Charcoal (from organic coconut husks)
I've been working with a functional medicine doctor for several years. Have learned a lot but still I'm lazy :P But my main concern is my brain fog/seeming lack of short-term memory. I'm going to change my diet and be more mindful of exercising. My doc said the brain fog/etc is lack of sleep. I wake up too many times at night. :/ Any advice?
You would enjoy my podcast, have lots of natural health advice.
Reducing Brain fog advice:
Getting rid of parasites and toxins will reduce brain fog generally.
A low intake of lectins and oxalates will deliver brain fog.
Circadian rhythm also plays a part in brain fog.
Test 1: bacterial overload
Take 1 tablespoon of dry organic cayenne paper into your mouth and chase it with an 8 oz glass of water. This will wash away the burn, and as the pepper digests, you will feel the blood flow in your blood, you will feel it, your eyes burn a bit from the capillaries in there; this is the cayenne releasing its load in your blood, which goes everywhere and kills off bacteria that may be hiding somewhere.
Test 2: acidosis
Stir 1 Tablespoon of Sodium Bicarbonate into an 8 oz glass of water, let it settle so the potential heavy metal drops to the bottom, and drink the top 90%. You will burp and feel a flush, that means you were acidic.
Test 3: circadian rhythm hack
Take one full stopper of Organic Oregano Oil and chase it with an 8 oz glass of water after sundown. You will either perk up at 100% brain capacity for a few hours or not.
All-natural anti-prasitic detox is possible following Doctor Hulda Clark's protocol. These were contained in her book “The Cure for All Diseases”.
1) Black walnut skins
2) Wormwood
3) Cloves
All organic of course
Thank you.
Yeah okay 😆😂 nice persuasion tactic there Pam.
Most supplements are actually quite healthy. Vast majority, actually.
You just proved my point.
"Most supplements are actually quite healthy. Vast majority, actually."
Can you substantiate this claim? Agent and Medicine Girl have done the hard digging to compile all the evidence- with multiple sources- that the opposite of this is true. Have you actually read any of the material? If you want to provide a counter argument, you have to do better.
Doctors (allopathic, naturopathic, almost ALL doctors) are completely ignorant. Is it the long hours, the stressful environmental with little sleep, the indoctrination of research(TM)? Because common sense questions no longer scratch the surface with them. With my second child I obediently began taking a prenatal vitamin - same brand as the first pregnancy. But this time I noticed the skin on my hands starting to thin. It was so bad that they would burn and crack. I wasn’t making the connection early on, but I later decided to switch to a different brand of prenatals. Unsuccessful, my doctor sent me to a dermatologist and they couldn’t figure it out either. They blamed it on a silver or nickel allergy which I didn’t test positive for! I stopped taking prenatal vitamins and my skin started to heal. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. My daughter is healthy and all is well. It took years for my skin to completely heal.
We are talking about people who prescribe exogenous Testosterone to little girls, and women with mental illness; and Estrogen to little boys, and grown men. That is spell-level indoctrination, think of them as being cursed or under mind control, because that's literally what they are to be this backwards, in their ‘knowledge’ of what it means to be healthy.
Fantastic write-up! Very helpful. I've tossed all vitamins thanks to your sleuthing and reporting.
The short vid about the gas chambers was fascinating...and made me think about recent(?) claims disputing some aspects of the Holocaust, such as if the gas chambers really existed. I'm hoping you'll cover this verrrrrry controversial topic. I've subscribed to you for many months and believe you haven't covered it. If you do, I'll be the first one to read it.
I love following you and Medicine Girl! Every link in the last few articles (other than those linked directly to YouTube) show as ‘errors’ and will not play on my iPad or hubby’s iPhone. Just so you know. I’m curious why you are drinking that tea with ‘natural flavors’ - since we know that is anything BUT natural. And tea in ANY ‘teabag’ should be banned as well - they contain microplastics - even the ‘silk’ ones. I won’t start on the ‘organic’ part…
Never drink bagged teas. Not only are they toxic and often contain fillers, but are far more expensive then loose teas.
It is so easy and invigorating to grow your own. Spend a few minutes daily to forage for wild herbs such as peppermint, chamomile, vervain, chickory, and then dry them in a cool dark space, such as a closet. There is NO reason to be buying packaged teas, except for organic premium Green Teas from the mountains in Asia, where there is little to no pollution (or crooks).
There is no reason not to grow your own oregano, basil celriac, thyme, etc., or to gather and dry sumac flowers, rose flowers and hips...doesn't cost a single cent as they are everywhere, even in the city.
One tea from across the pond that is really good is Mountain Tea (loose with all the leaves, flowers and stems intact, so you can see exactly what you are getting).
Great article! I find that I no longer trust anyone who has a line of supplements to sell. Thanks for all the eye-opening info.
When does just living and life experience give one the right to wisdom?
I was raised popping vitamins. Spent thousands on them, but my fears never went away.
We never had a family doctor while I was growing up. My Father said our physician was "Jesus" and supplements (lol). I am not kidding. Yes, I had to have a physical to play sports in High School, but no family doctor. My family was duped into the vitamin scam. No more. Threw all that crap away. I guess in some ways we are all still looking for the fountain of youth.
Your work is invaluable. Thank you!
I was lucky indeed -- my parents did not believe in conventional doctors, vaccines, pharm, authoritiesof any kind. And we couldn't afford junk food anyway. Mom had 7 kids, all healthy and she lived to almost 90 in great health, slim, very active...
We didn't have toys, entertained ourselves outdoors until bed time and ate what was put in front of us -- always homemade. We walked everywhere, alone or in packs of kids..
Our parents were the boss, not our friends or chauffers.
We were free to try life out, but the few rules imposed were strictly enforced.
When we left home, we were independent, able to reason, healthy, discerning and immune to what others thought of us hillbillies. Today we are resilient and especially resourceful, I think because we didn't bother to get the 'advanced' education kids get today, but instead went right to work.
So our air is full of poison, our food is full of poison, our supplements are full of poison, even organic food is tainted because of the heavy metals that fall on the crops from the chem trails. No wonder Jesus said in Mathew 24 “If those days were not cut short, no man would survive.”
Exactly what the globalist Luciferians want is for governments to regulate and control everything we put into our mouths. Should we really want the FDA to have oversight when it comes to all things called vitamins, minerals, herbals, essential oils, tinctures, etc., just as they currently have over our toxic processed and adulterated whole foods which the FDA allows? Not a good idea, imo.
Increasingly, the FDA doesn't require complete ingredient and country of origin disclosure when it comes to labeling. This oversight agency allows all sorts of harmful processes. Worse, buying "organic" can still mean the food is made with toxic or compromised ingredients and/or treated with toxic processes. They already have permitted bug meal and may soon allow pharma, pseudo vaccine ingredients into our foods.
Controllers have floated the idea that Amazon become the nation's pharmacy for medicine and supplements and this would be a blow for consumer choice and safety. It would become a checkpoint for the aggregation of customer personal and medical history and a chokepoint for customers declined for certain purchases based on "health" reasons. There'd likely be far less choice in sources and less transparency wrt to ingredients and processing, just as reflected in the shelves of Whole Foods, Inc, where their own brands under different names and increasingly vague labeling dominate the new paucity of choice. And, unless one was invited to the Rocky Mountain high Bezos wedding, any problems with the products would be difficult to address, because Amazon is pretty much a faceless entity and too large for typical customers to challenge in court.
Corporate monopolies are completely unhealthful for us who are being given fewer and fewer choices, and the indisputable fact is that government agencies work for them, not us. We should be working toward accountability in government, especially wrt to food and water quality and also getting the Congress to make stricter laws for complete product disclosure before opining to put the FDA in charge of supplements, as everything stands, currently.
We're headed to a fascist monopoly in which we may be forbidden to even grow our own food and herbs or dig our own wells. We'll be told independent living and having choices is not at all sustainable and compatible with Agenda 30 and the Great Reset. Let's feel free to research supplements and to selectively or not take them while we can. Best would be if we all grew our own food, herbs, and medicinal trees and processed them using decontaminated water and soil. Good luck to all of us.
"t the globalist Luciferians want is for governments to regulate and control everything we put into our mouths" and arm, and MSM brainwashing,, indoctrination, and soon Neuralink implants.
We are in a corporate fascist monopoly already. My questions is why does everything have to be kosher approved?
Amazon is a company to avoid at all costs!!
Perhaps the Kosher Nostra is part of the corporate fascist monopoly.
It's a racket, just like Halal. I did the reasearch on Halal and realized that it is a hidden tax on westerners because to get the fake certification, retailers have to pay an extortion fee that is then passed onto the consumer.
The Halal racket was started in the late 1980s by 2 Muslim businesmen in the middle east who fraudulently linked it to 'religious' requirement, and off they went. The scam generates some $10-15 billion /year that is used for jihad and Islamization of western nations. Prior to this scheme being launched, there was never any mention of food, clothes, products having to be 'halal' whatsoever.
The original reason I looked into Halal was because I had been told that the slaughter process totally violated our slaughter laws and was horrifically cruel. Indeed it is not only beyond cruel, but extremely unhygenic and totally part of the Halal certification scam.
Halal is basically animal abuse, most likely the same as "kosher" meat. I do believe that the fear that the animal experiences through the horrendous slaughter goes into anyone who eats it because that adrenaline affects the animal's entire system.
What an absolutely incredible article. A treasure trove of research. Thank you for the time and effort.
It was only a matter of time before they started poisoning vitamins and supplements
Correction, it was only a matter of time before we found out. They were poisoning, vitamins, and supplements. They created them out of poison from the beginning the wolf and shapes clothing or just catching up to speed 100 something years later.
And all the decades of giving our kids their mighty Flintstones to stay ‘healthy’
Appreciate both of your efforts on countless hours of research. I am getting caught up on things . Have you covered broad spectrum synbiotics/ SBO? My apologies if you have. I usually obtain these from raw fermented foods. Was sent this asking for an opinion??? Here is the link to Enviormedica / product TERRAFLORA. Thanks!!
Terraflora sounds a lot like terraforming, which is what the chem trails are doing to our earth
Yes. It does :-)
Was thinking the same! Good question though! I ferment a variety of vegetables but wondering about bottles of soil based organisms..
I concur
using AI to determine whether you should be taking rat poison, or not is almost beyond comprehension.
As you know, when the sunlight hits your skin, there’s 36 different hormonal reactions produced synergistically-- it’s the synergy of the reactions that is healthy for the body. You can’t take one steroid hormone, and make it synthetically in a lab and call it good. They only use this chemical in your body because it changes a lab marker has nothing to do with your sunshine health, bone health or health in general
but taking rat poison will slowly destroy your health the way it kills rats, mice cats, or dogs is it pulls calcium once ingested in thr gut, from the bones joints teeth into the bloodstream, and wilo calcify the body, causing liver stones and other issues that result in death. it doesn’t kill you because it’s a microdose of the poison, but will pull calcium from your bone slowly overtime. The amount depends on your bodies chemistry. It can be dangerous for some causing heart, arrhythmias, bone density laws, osteoporosis, renal damage, kidney failure, kidney stones among some of the fun side effects overtime
The same thing happens to you if you took too much, but be my guest and take an AI supported lobbyist promotrd rodenticide if that’s what you want to do
Don't forget the "Vitamin K" shot a newborn baby receives within hours of first breath. Add to that the umpteen "vaccines" he/she receives within first days of life. Interactions be dammed.
Fantastic research, you've opened my eyes.
I appreciate you and Medicine Girl and all your efforts. Thank you for doing the work that most of us cannot. I pray for healing over you and all that you love.
God bless you both.
It’s a hard one to accept. I stopped taking d3/k2 drops after reading your articles. I still take magnesium and I guess I just have to stop all.
How about an article on tanning beds? Were they demonized because they could actually help body during the dark winter?
Great question and I will start researchIng. I used to live in Bellingham, Washington and would go in the middle of winter to the tanning beds two or three times just to feel better-Get my bones warm until I was smart enough to book a trip to Hawaii or Mexico every winter instead-much nicer way.
I doubt some thing synthetic with lights that allegedly tan your skin would be beneficial in anyway, but who knows
from what I understand, it shouldn't be an issue in moderation, just like the UV radiation from the sun we shouldn't get to much exposure and northern climates in Russia and places where sunlight can be scarce in winter, people use UV light blubs to intake "vitamin D", or what ever the chemical reaction that happens in our body when exposed to UV radiation is called, I haven't done any research on unnatural UV radiation but i would expect just as anything unnatural there are probably worse side effects then being malnourished in that aspect of nourishment when exposed to unnatural UV radiation.
side note, i read a paper from a russian doctor in the 90s showing experiments how living tissue organisms produce faint UV radiation which can be measured as electromagnetic radiation, this whole time reading about the vittamin/ virology/ geneology scam, ive been wondering how do dis-eases transfer from person to person and this doctor proves it is done through electromagnetic frequency.
its quite a fasinating read, people like you, agent, and others on here have inspired me to write about it so article coming soon.
Light therapy is getting big especially red light. Maybe you could do some research in that field?
Magnesium is best taken topically. You can make it yourself and spray it on skin after showers.
Yes! I do that! Magnesium flakes mixed with vodka and filtered water! Absorbs great and no sting!
What about Epsom salt baths?
I’m waiting for opinions on epsom salts too. I don’t take bathes much though because I don’t have a flouride/bromides filter and taking hot bathes is a fast way to absorb unwanted chemicals. It seems there’s literally nothing left to enjoy, ack!
Magnesium acts like a sedative to muscles and is a vasodilator which damages the kidneys overtime
Magnesium and foods of course is excellent
I don’t think there’s any harm in doing occasional Epson salt soaks, but would be very cautious using magnesium daily or as a supplement
I’m going to be doing my next article after urine therapy on magnesium and have another smoking gun on that
I found this on AI:
Is Cholecalciferol manufactured by the human body?
Yes, cholecalciferol, also known as vitamin D3, is produced by the human body. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, it converts a cholesterol derivative called 7-dehydrocholesterol into cholecalciferol. This process primarily occurs in the skin.
Once produced, cholecalciferol is transported to the liver and kidneys, where it is converted into its active form, calcitriol. Calcitriol helps regulate calcium and phosphate levels in the blood, promoting healthy bone formation and maintenance.
What do you Think?
Get your blood levels checked. That will tell you if you need a boost here and there.
That's an absolutely amazing piece!